Gun Dog Grind Coffee, a review from East Africa
By Grady Epperly
I’ve learned a few things in over 20 years of military service and near the top of that list is that a decent cup of black coffee in the morning, and often times in the afternoon and evening too, can do a lot for ones morale.
Recently, while deployed to East Africa, the guys at Gun Dog Grind and Big Game Brew sent some really great coffee my way. I’m no barista but here’s my attempt at a coffee review.
The brand itself is unique, with a mission that’s easy to get behind. They give back a portion of their revenue to conservation efforts across the United States helping to ensure upland hunting grounds and wildlife habitat stay protected today and down the road.
My brew method was a good old fashioned coffee pot, nothing fancy. I also used bottled water so there was no hint of chemical flavors or smells that are often in tap water.
Gun Dog Grind sources their beans from South America and Indonesia, the dark roast offers a full body and rich option for your coffee taste buds. You’ll know it’s a dark coffee roast by its strong aroma, which filled our shop as soon as it started brewing. There is a slight bitterness to this coffee, but it didn’t linger and the acidity was quite enjoyable.
This coffee beats the pants off anything in the chow hall or the instant coffee in a MRE but even back in the States it would be a great addition to any morning at home or in the field.
Gun Dog Grind will remain a morning go to for me far in to the future.
Now do your part for conservation efforts and pick up some stellar Gun Dog Grind coffee for yourself.
Oh yeah, yes I shared with my troops.